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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 30% 11% 32% 16%
Middle 28% 10% 27% 17%
High 23% 11% 32% 13%


Criteria for Homebound Instruction

Enrollment Criteria

  1. The student needs home/hospital instruction for more than five (5) consecutive school days.
  2. Satisfactory evidence in the form of a signed statement from a licensed physician, psychologist or psychiatrist, or another health officer that the condition of the student renders inadvisable attendance at school (the State Department of Education provides a form for this statement).
  3. Students qualifying for home/hospital instruction because of emotional or psychological problems must have a signed statement from a psychologist or psychiatrist certifying that the student is unable to come to school. The student must be receiving regular treatment from the psychologist or psychiatrist who completes the application for home/hospital instruction. The completed application must be returned to Wes Blair at the Hardin County Board of Education office, to be considered for approval by the review committee.
  4. Any student who is excused from school attendance for more than six (6) months must have two (2) signed statements from a combination of the following professional persons: a licensed physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, and health officer.
  5. The condition of pregnancy is not to be considered a physical or health impairment in and of itself.
  6. Exemptions of all children under the provisions above must be reviewed annually with the evidence required being updated. 

Program Criteria

  1. Secondary Credit (grades 9-12): A student enrolled in home/hospital instruction may receive full credit if he/she completes the required assignments for each class.
  2. Elementary and Middle School Promotion and Retention: The decision to promote or retain shall be made by the Principal after the involvement of classroom teachers and the home/hospital teacher and shall be consistent with 08.22 AP.1.
  3. All subject assignments including tests for each grading period must be completed no later than ten (10) school days following the ending date of the grading period.
  4. A responsible adult must be in the home and remain visible during the entire time the teacher is present.
  5. A student cannot be gainfully employed during the time that he/she is enrolled in the Home/Hospital Instruction Program.

Exceptional Children Criteria

To be eligible for home/hospital instruction, exceptional children must meet the above criteria. In addition, an admissions and release committee shall determine that an exceptional child shall be eligible for home/hospital instruction provided the following criteria are met:

  1. The child is identified as exceptional by meeting the eligibility criteria for one (1) of the categorical programs;
  2. The identified child needs special education and related services; or
  3. Home instruction shall not be used as a substitute for a more appropriate educational placement for exceptional children. In addition, a temporary placement as an interim placement may occur for thirty (30) school days as determined by the appropriate admissions and release committee for exceptional students who need an alternative placement that is not currently available.

CLICK HERE to download the home/hospital application

Contact Information:
Wes Blair, Director of Alternative Programs
Lisa Brown, Homebound Instructor