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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 30% 11% 32% 16%
Middle 28% 10% 27% 17%
High 23% 11% 32% 13%

HCS Behavioral Health Program

The HCS Behavioral Health Program is a collaborative community initiative, involving schools, family and mental health services to increase awareness, responsibility and application of appropriate social and behavioral skills in children. 

Objectives of the program are to:

  • Develop effective coping strategies and social skills that promote self-reliance, personal responsibility, trust and problem-solving skills
  • Help develop skills in verbalizing feelings in an appropriate manner
  • Provide individual treatment for mental health issues in a safe environment
  • Provide family services and supports that will build consistency with students between school and home
  • Facilitate positive communication among school personnel, the student and family members

HCS Behavioral Health Program is an alternative educational/mental health setting that provides intensive treatment services to children in a highly structured, supervised therapeutic and educational environment.  This program serves children in grades K-5 with persistent and moderate to severe emotional/behavioral difficulties which interfere with adequate functioning at home, school and within the community. 

The program is designed to assist children and their families in developing skills and techniques or behavioral self-control, which enables them to function in a regular school setting, home environment and the community.  Students in the program receive classroom instruction by a certified teacher and Gradpoint, group therapy, individual therapy and social skills instruction.  The ultimate goal is to have students transition back to their home schools.  The decision for transition is based solely upon recommendation of the behavioral health committee.

Admissions to HCS Behavioral Health Program - Process of Referral/Admissions

  • Student is identified by school staff for placement after appropriate interventions have failed to work and/or there is a significant mental health need
  • School interventionist or Communicare therapist completes a referral form and/or submits behavior intervention profile
  • Director of Alternative Programs, Director of Special Education, and HCS Behavioral Health Program staff will review referral and other documents to determine if admission to program is warranted
  • Admissions/Transition meeting is held prior to start date
  • Parent/Guardian will consult with Communicare Provider/Impact Case Manager
  • Placement is voluntary

Academics & Behavior Instruction

Students should be prepared to continue to work in academic areas that they were in prior to coming to HCS Behavioral Health Program.  Students will take part in an individualized reading/math online program to help them recoup any missing skills.  Parents will be given a copy of their user name/password and able to access this website at home for additional practice.  All grades earned in the HCS Behavioral Health Program will serve as withdraw grades and transfer back to their home school upon discharge.

Students will also participate in daily social skills instruction.  Instruction will incorporate the following: getting along with others, making good decisions, self-advocacy, coping strategies, career exploration/preparation, alcohol/drug prevention, team building, and goal-setting.