Thank you for taking time to visit our website! As you scroll through our site, you'll see that our students are our top priority. Their safety, well-being and education are beyond reproach. We will take all steps to ensure that our students are ready to learn at their highest ability each and every day.
There are a multitude of opportunities for student success. From our career pathways at our high schools and the HCS Early College & Career Center to extra-curricular activities at every elementary, middle and high school ... there is something available that will give students a chance to rise above their peers from other schools when they enter the highly competitive global marketplace.
Please feel free to contact me anytime! There is nothing better than face-to-face conversation. So, if you see me at one of our schools or out in the community, please stop me and say hello! You can email me when you CLICK HERE. You can reach me by phone at 270-769-8817 or on Twitter at @HCSTMorgan. Our district is #HCSBetterTogether.