Our school boundaries are organized by elementary schools.
You'll see a list of HCS elementary schools on this page. A list of street names is attached to each link. If you are in doubt as to where your child may attend elementary school, please click the name of the school you think your child may attend. If your street is listed on that link, your child will attend that school.
The name of the middle school and high school that each elementary school feeds is also provided. Therefore, if you're not searching for an elementary school that a student may attend and are searching for a middle or high school, you need to still search by elementary school
For more specific questions regarding the boundaries of any of our schools, please contact the HCS Student Services Department at 270-769-8800.
Note: Links were updated on July 24, 2024
Cecilia Valley Elementary School - feeds West Hardin Middle School & Central Hardin High School
Creekside Elementary School - feeds East Hardin Middle School & Central Hardin High School
GC Burkhead Elementary School - feeds East Hardin Middle School or West Hardin Middle School (depending upon home location) & Central Hardin High School
Heartland Elementary School - feeds Bluegrass Middle School & John Hardin High School
Lakewood Elementary School - feeds West Hardin Middle School & Central Hardin High School
Lincoln Trail Elementary School - feeds East Hardin Middle School & Central Hardin High School
Meadow View Elementary School - feeds North Middle School, James T. Alton Middle School (depending upon home location) & North Hardin High School
New Highland Elementary School - feeds Bluegrass Middle School & John Hardin High School
Radcliff Elementary School - feeds North Middle School, James T. Alton Middle School (depending upon home location) & North Hardin High School
Rineyville Elementary School - feeds James T. Alton Middle School (which feeds North Hardin High School) & Bluegrass Middle School (which feeds John Hardin High School) - depending upon home location
Vine Grove Elementary School - feeds James T. Alton Middle School & North Hardin High School
Woodland Elementary School - feeds North Middle School (which feeds North Hardin High School) & Bluegrass Middle School (which feeds John Hardin High School) - depending upon home location