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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky State Assessment Results:

  Math Proficient Math Distinguished Reading Proficient Reading Distinguished
Elementary 30% 11% 32% 16%
Middle 28% 10% 27% 17%
High 23% 11% 32% 13%

Buildings & Grounds


The Division of Buildings & Grounds strives to provide a safe, clean, and modern environment for students, allowing them the opportunity to reach their highest learning potential. Preventative maintenance, heating/cooling repairs, plumbing, electrical, and minor construction projects are the primary focus of this department. Other services provided are delivery of furniture, equipment, and supplies to 23+ schools and auxiliary buildings; mowing the majority of fields and lawns; and repair and maintenance of all kitchen equipment. We are also responsible for maintaining compliance with all state and local agencies, such as the health department, the fire department, and the state fire marshal.

The Division of Buildings & Grounds consists of a director, supervisor of maintenance services, supervisor of custodial services, energy manager, secretary, a crew of sixteen full-time maintenance technicians, and one full-time laborer/truck driver.

For more information, contact:


Every building owned or used by the Hardin County Board of Education has recently been inspected for friable and non-friable asbestos containing building materials.  An inspector fully accredited by the State of Kentucky and the Division for Air Quality conducted this.  The information collected/developed during this inspection will be included within the Management Plan located in each principal’s office and may be reviewed during normal business hours.

The Hardin County Board of Education has implemented a program of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in order to control pests in a way that minimizes economic, health and environmental risks.  All individuals applying pesticides will be properly certified in keeping with applicable legal requirements.  You will be notified twenty-four hours in advance of a planned pesticide application or as soon as possible when an emergency application is necessary.